Windows Vista has been out in retail since the start of the month. I am not going to debate the ultimate success that Vista will or will not achieve in the market … there are far too many keystrokes wasted on this debate already. If you want to run Vista on your PC or your Apple Mac (either in Parallels Desktop for Mac or in the VMWare Virtualization for Mac) and you want to build Ruby on Rails applications using DB2, you need to read on.
Starter Toolkit for DB2 on Rails v2.1 (current version) includes DB2 Express – C v9.1 at no charge (you did know that we give you DB2 absolutely free, right?). This version of DB2 Express – C will not run on Vista. We do have a special version of DB2 Express – C (still absolutely free) that does run on Vista. You can get it from the official DB2 Express – C website.
There is no doubt that downloading and installing yet another copy of DB2 Express – C is a pain. Rest assured we do understand that and we will be uploading a brand new version of the Starter Toolkit for DB2 on Rails shortly. Besides including a newer version of DB2 Express – C that works with Vista, the new Starter Toolkit for DB2 on Rails will contain numerous performance and functional enhancements including better support for the recently released Rails 1.2.1. Stay tuned and watch this space.