This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Jonathan Weiss.
Original Post: Creating FreeBSD ports for ruby gems
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Feed Description: Weblog by Jonathan Weiss about Unix, BSD, security, Programming in Ruby, Ruby on Rails and Agile Development.
Creating FreeBSD ports for ruby gems involves creating a pkg-plist that lists all files and directories for a given port. This kind of sucks for gems that have a lot of rdoc documentation (like ActiveSupport). There are a couple of automatic solutions like pkg_trackinst but none is perfect.
While updating the ports for Rails 1.2.1 I had enough and created a small Ruby script to help with the generation of pkg-plists. Updating a Rubygem port now looks like this:
# cd /usr/ports/devel/rubygem-activesupport
# vim Makefile
# make makesum
At first update the port version and create the new checksum. Now install the new version (without updating the pkg-plist, so will will get a lot of errors during deinstall).
# make install
Now run the script to generate the new pkg-plist out of the installed gem:
The script assembles a pkg-plist of of all files and directories under /gems and /doc. Any other files like the rails executable for the Rails gem must be added by hand as they will not be installed under /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/.
What's left to do now is to cleanup manually the installation and test the pkg-plist through creating a package and deinstalling the port.