Dave Hoover
Posts: 93
Nickname: dsrhoov53
Registered: Mar, 2004
Dave Hoover is the Lead Consultant for Obtiva
assert_select for Watir
Posted: Jan 8, 2007 9:09 PM
This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Dave Hoover.
Original Post: assert_select for Watir
Feed Title: Red Squirrel Reflections
Feed URL: http://redsquirrel.com/cgi-bin/dave/index.rss
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Inspired by Jamis' post on assert_select I've just committed an update to my Watir on Rails plugin that adds support for both assert_select and assert_tag . Give it a try!
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
class GettingStartedTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
include WatirOnRails
def test_getting_started
browser = open_browser("/")
assert_select "div#getting-started h1", "Getting started"
assert_tag :tag => "h1", :content => "Getting started",
:parent => { :tag => "div", :attributes => { :id => "getting-started"} }
Rather than asserting against the body of the response from the controller, I'm grabbing the HTML from the most recently opened browser.
Read: assert_select for Watir