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Software as Spec

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Chad Fowler

Posts: 408
Nickname: chadfowler
Registered: Apr, 2003

A programmer, musician, and language addict.
Software as Spec Posted: Dec 28, 2006 12:25 AM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz by Chad Fowler.
Original Post: Software as Spec
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(This article is part of the Big Rewrite series.)

"Make it do what it already does." That’s a tempting and simple way to view software requirements on a rewrite project. After all, the system already exists. The question of "what should it do when…" can presumably always be answered with: "what it already does".

There are two major problems with this assumption. The first, and most disruptive, is that the programmers don’t know what questions to ask. This is especially true if the programmers weren’t the original developers of the system (most often the case on a major technology shift), but even a programmer who did the original implementation of a product won’t remember every nook, cranny, and edge case. What’s worse, with the fragile safety net of an existing implementation, programmers can easily oversimplify the interface, and assume they know the capabilities of the system. If a combination of drop-down selections results in a whole new corner of the system, how are they to know without stumbling onto it (or performing an exhaustive and expensive test cycle)?

If the software you’ve built is complex enough that it needs to be rewritten, it’s probably also so complex that it’s not discoverable in this way. This means that domain experts are going to have to be heavily involved. It means that requirements are going to need to be communicated in much the same way they are on a green-field project. And it means that, unless it’s only used as a supplement, the existing system is more a liability to the rewrite than an asset.

Optimistic programmers might think I’ve missed something important here. If you’re rewriting a system, you’ve already got the code. The code can serve as the spec, right? Probably not.

Based on my own experiences and conversations with thousands of software developers around the planet, I unscientifically conclude that almost all production software is in such bad shape that it would be nearly useless as a guide to re-implementing itself. Now take this already bad picture, and extract only those products that are big, complex, and fragile enough to need a major rewrite, and the odds of success with this approach are significantly worse.

Existing code is good for discovering algorithms—not complex, multistep processes.

Read: Software as Spec

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