This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Chad Fowler.
Original Post: 2007 Technology Predictions
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Feed Description: Best practices, worst practices, and some generally obvious stuff about programming.
It’s funny that almost every prediction Yakov makes is about an
innovation not mattering, not being adopted, and
not resulting in any real change to our industry.
I’m not sure what industry Yakov is in, but I’m glad the IT
industry isn’t anything like what he predicts. If I had to live in a
world like the one he apparently lives in, I think I’d be looking for
a career switch.
Here’s my single 2007 prediction:
2005 started a trend that got stronger in 2006 and will explode in 2007:
with tools and technologies like Rails and Ajax challenging the way a lot
of us have been conceiving of the limits of internet technology and the
software development process, the software development world’s
leading edge will take a tangible, industry-wide step forward. Yakov and
his readers will continue to not get it.