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When the GC is doing its job, but your app still needs too much RAM

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Eigen Class

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Nickname: eigenclass
Registered: Oct, 2005

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When the GC is doing its job, but your app still needs too much RAM Posted: Dec 2, 2006 4:04 AM
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Sometimes your code is using much more RAM than it should. You've made sure that you are not keeping too many large objects around, you got rid of their references and you are sure they were GCed. Yet ps is saying your code takes up too much memory. Memory fragmentation can be nasty at times, but you can avoid it by allocating carefully.

Making sure our objects are being collected

Before you blame fragmentation, you've got to make sure the GC is doing its job properly (and you're helping it do it). The obvious way is iterating over the ObjectSpace and counting how many objects of each class there are. I've seen that rewritten countless times :)

Estimates of the amount of memory used for each kind of object are a bit less common. I don't mean, say, somestring.size, but something a bit more accurate that takes into account the overhead introduced by ruby's internal structures.

This is taken from FastRI; I was mostly concerned about Arrays there, but it can be easily completed with the information from the above link:

  # trying to see where our memory is going
  population ={|h,k| h[k] = [0,0]}
  array_sizes ={|h,k| h[k] = 0}
  ObjectSpace.each_object do |object|
    # rough estimates, see
    size = case object 
           when Array
             array_sizes[object.size / 10] += 1
             case object.size
             when 0..16
               20 + 64
               20 + 4 * object.size * 1.5
           when Hash;    40 + 4 * [object.size / 5, 11].max + 16 * object.size
           when String;  30 + object.size
           else 120 # the iv_tbl, etc
    count, tsize = population[object.class] 
    population[object.class] = [count + 1, tsize + size]

  population.sort_by{|k,(c,s)| s}.reverse[0..10].each do |klass, (count, bytes)|
    puts "%-20s  %7d  %9d" % [klass, count, bytes]

  puts "Array sizes:"
  array_sizes.sort.each{|k,v| puts "%5d  %6d" % [k * 10, v]}

This will tell you how much memory your arrays/hashes/strings/other objects are taking. It could be modified to proceed recursively, so the space needed for objects held in instance variables is attributed to the parent object, but it might not be doable if there are multiple references (you either count it only once, possibly in the wrong object, or repeatedly).

Fighting memory fragmentation

Here's a simplification of the indexing loop in the first version of FTSearch full-text search engine (of course, it didn't quite look like this, work was divided more cleanly among the fulltext store, the document map and the suffix array writer):


Read: When the GC is doing its job, but your app still needs too much RAM

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