This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Red Handed.
Original Post: Quick Conkeror Prefs
Feed Title: RedHanded
Feed URL:
Feed Description: sneaking Ruby through the system
No more SwitchProxy extension for switching MouseHoles. Added to ~/.conkerorrc:
// alter user preferences
function set_pref(k, v) {
if (!gPrefService) { message("EEP: no gPrefService"); return 0; }
gPrefService.setIntPref(k, v);
message(k + " set to " + v);
function get_pref(k) {
if (!gPrefService) { message("EEP: no gPrefService"); return 0; }
if (!gPrefService.prefHasUserValue(k)) return null;
else return gPrefService.getIntPref(k);
// toggle proxy
function toggle_http_proxy()
var proxytype = get_pref("network.proxy.type");
set_pref("network.proxy.type", proxytype == 1 ? 0 : 1);
add_command("toggle-http-proxy", toggle_http_proxy, []);
define_key(ctrlx_kmap, make_key("p", 0), "toggle-http-proxy");
So: C-x p. Seriously, go sift through this stuff from Bill Clementson [pt. 1 and pt. 2] and you’ll pick it up. The rest of my .conkerorrc is pretty standard, but the numbered link styling is essential, in that actually looks really good now.