eigenclass.org is a bit over one year old, and I've populated it with a fair
amount of information and code. If you've been reading it, you'll know that I've tried to keep eigenclass.org as far as possible from the
average(?) blog ("link to news story plus worthless
comment", "link to link to discussion of somebody else's work", shallow technical remarks & rants...). Coming up with new, worthy stuff isn't easy and I've not always succeeded (I've often thought that it just wasn't good enough and was close to shutting down eigenclass.org for good a couple times),
but there are some non-perishable bits of info here, and I'm trying to make them easier to access.
I've been classifying some nodes, and just committed a new plugin to
generate page lists ranked by popularity defined as
for between 0.5 and 1. Here are the 25 most popular
nodes on eigenclass.org for , you might find something of interest amongst them: