I know it’s been out of sorts for the past month, but the big checkin is, in fact, IN. The big deal today: class and module references.
svn co http://code.whytheluckystiff.net/svn/sandbox/trunk sandbox
cd sandbox
ruby setup.rb
Like, say you want to give a sandbox some limited access to a database:
require 'sandbox'
require 'mysql'
# setup a proxy module
module Database
@@db = Mysql.connect(...)
def self.query(str)
# use the proxy module inside the sandbox
sand = Sandbox.safe
sand.ref Database
sand.eval("Database.query('SELECT * FROM apples')")
Well, this is a bit contrived. But, you know?
And it’s safe. In the sandbox, the Database module is actually a Database class, descended from BoxedClass, which has a method_missing which will restore the original Ruby environment, make the call, and marshal the results back to the sandbox. So the query call in the box does get its Hash.