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Rails: Generate SQL from Migrations

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Jay Fields

Posts: 765
Nickname: jayfields
Registered: Sep, 2006

Jay Fields is a software developer for ThoughtWorks
Rails: Generate SQL from Migrations Posted: Nov 13, 2006 6:23 AM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz by Jay Fields.
Original Post: Rails: Generate SQL from Migrations
Feed Title: Jay Fields Thoughts
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Feed Description: Thoughts on Software Development
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Unfortunately, my new client will not allow migrations to be run in production. This isn't a surprise since they have a DB group that maintains their databases. And, the DB group requires application developers to submit SQL scripts when database modifications are necessary.

At first this may sound like a pain, but it's actually quite easy to capture the SQL that migrations generate. There may be easier ways; however, it seemed simple enough to temporarily change the behavior of the execute method.
require 'find'

class SqlWriter

def self.write(path, string), 'w') { |file| file << string }


class MigrationSql
class << self
def execute
connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
old_method = connection.class.instance_method(:execute)

define_execute(connection) { |*args| SqlWriter.write(@sql_write_path, args.first) }

root = RAILS_ROOT + "/db/migrate"
output_dir = root + "/../migration_sql"
Dir.mkdir output_dir unless File.exists? output_dir
Find.find(root) do |path|
unless path == root
require path
file = File.basename(path, ".rb")
write_sql(connection, output_dir, file, :up)
write_sql(connection, output_dir, file, :down)

define_execute(connection) { |*args| old_method.bind(self).call(*args) }

def write_sql(connection, output_dir, file, direction)
connection.instance_variable_set :@sql_write_path, output_dir + "/" + file + "_#{direction}.sql"
file.gsub(/^\d\d\d_/,'').camelize.constantize.send direction

def define_execute(connection, &block)
connection.class.send :define_method, :execute, &block
Now that we have the behavior necessary we can wrap the call to the execute method of the MigrationSql class in a rake task.
namespace "db" do
namespace "generate" do
desc "generate sql for migrations"
task "migration_sql" => :environment do

Read: Rails: Generate SQL from Migrations

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