This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Obie Fernandez.
Original Post: Quick Update / ActiveRDF Released / Ruby + OWL ?
Feed Title: Obie On Rails (Has It Been 9 Years Already?)
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Obie Fernandez talks about life as a technologist, mostly as ramblings about software development and consulting. Nowadays it's pretty much all about Ruby and Ruby on Rails.
I'm in Chicago for the weekend. Don't necessarily have set-in-stone plans, so hit me up with ideas. Other than a nasty cold, this past week was great. I estimate that I managed to add about 30 pages to the book, which is a much better pace than ever before. Based on a good experience yesterday, I'm planning on spending a bunch of time camping over at Eastmedia, with fellow series authors Matt and Trotter. Just being around them is inspiring.
Speaking of which, yesterday I had the pleasure of explaining to Matt and Trotter my crazy (well, maybe not too crazy) idea for using OWL with Rails -- and they were psyched about it! So, looks like I'll spend at least a little bit of my time up there experimenting in the Ruby/Semweb world again. You know I'm super excited about getting back into Deep Integration stuff!
In related news, the release of ActiveRDF 1.0 was announced by its developers, Eyal Oren and Benjamin Heitmann. Eyal is a PhD student in DERI and the original creator of ActiveRDF. Benjamin is a MSc student from Karlsruhe (but currently in DERI as well) and community manager of ActiveRDF. It's great to see that work in this promising area is alive and well. The question is: "Anybody actively working on Ruby plus OWL stuff?"
Someone named Scott L. Holmes registered a project on RubyForge named por, but nothing seems to have happened with it. Anyone have more info on that? Maybe I should ask Rich Kilmer if I can take over development of Semitar?