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Deprecations in Rails 1.2

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Bob Silva

Posts: 94
Nickname: bobsilva
Registered: Feb, 2006

Bob Silva is a Rails Developer for the UMESD
Deprecations in Rails 1.2 Posted: Nov 2, 2006 1:23 PM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz by Bob Silva.
Original Post: Deprecations in Rails 1.2
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Here is a quick list of deprecations in Rails 1.2. Update your code now to make upgrading easier later. Some of these have actually been around since before the current release of 1.1.6 but I thought I'd mention them anyways.
Deprecations in Rails 1.2

* Passing method reference symbols to ActionController::Base#url_for. Use named routes instead.
* Calling ActionController::Base#render with string arguments. Ex: render('weblog/show')
* Using model, service, observer, depend_on and dependencies_on in your controller. Rails handles most dependency issues automatically now.
* Calling keep_flash instead of flash.keep
* Pagination will be extracted out into a plugin in Rails 2.0
* Auto complete will be extracted out into a plugin in Rails 2.0
* In place editing will be extracted out into a plugin in Rails 2.0
* start_form_tag and end_form_tag have been deprecated. form_tag still works the same, but there is no wrapper method for the . The preferred method is to use the new block form of form_tag. Ex: form_tag :action => :create do ... end
* The number helper method human_size is deprecated in favor of number_to_human_size
* link_to_image and link_image_to helpers are deprecated in favor of wrapping an image_tag in a link_to. Ex: link_to(image_tag(...), :action => :new)
* Using @cookies, @flash, @headers, @params, @request, @response or @session has been deprecated. Use the method form without the @. Ex: response.content_type
* Calling content_for :layout || :symbol. Use yield || yield :symbol instead
* Calling image_tag without an extension is deprecated. Auto appending .png will be removed. Don't be lazy.
* Passing :post as a link_to modifier to force a POST request via a link tag. Use :method => :post instead.
* push_with_attributes and concat_with_attributes on a HABTM association are deprecated. Use has_many :through with a join model instead.
* find_all and find_first on a has_many association. Use find(:all) and find(:first)
* :dependent => true on a has_many association. Use :dependent => :destroy
* :exclusively_dependent => true on a has_many association. Use :dependent => :delete_all
* When using :class_name on a belongs_to association, the foreign_key name will be inferred from the association rather than the :class_name. Therefor, use :foreign_key if using :class_name and they differ.
* A welcome deprecation, internally, the quote method of ActiveRecord has been renamed. After Rails 2.0 you will be able to use a column named quote again.
* Calling count on a model with string arguments for conditions and joins. Use an options hash instead. Ex: Model.count(:conditions => '...')
* Validations helper method add_on_boundary_breaking in favor of validates_length_of
* Hash extension create_from_xml has been renamed to from_xml
* All the old rake tasks have been moved to namespaced task, old ones are deprected. Ex: rake db:migrate instead of rake migrate

Read: Deprecations in Rails 1.2

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