This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by rodney ramdas.
Original Post: The Endless Pageless
Feed Title:
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Feed Description: A personal take on Ruby and Rails
Unspace is such a cool company. Not only does my friend Jeff work there, they also do great stuff for the Rails community. Their latest innovation that blew me away is something they call the Endless Pageless. This is a way of removing those pesky paginators from your site. By implementing Endless Pageless the content the user cares to read or scroll down to is dynamically fetched via an Ajax call. “Look Ma, no pages”. They have a demo of how that works.
A good use for this Endless Pageless thing in a River of News type RSS aggregator like the Humanized Reader (Unspace credits them as the first live implementation of EP they saw).
So what’s this about then really ? Well, the bottom line is “Don’t make me stop and think about navigation”. Humanized .