This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Christopher Williams.
Original Post: Patterns in Ruby: Template Method
Feed Title: Late to the Party
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Feed Description: Ruby. Rails. Stuff.
Today's article is the twist on the Decorator pattern. The Decorator pattern wraps the original object in a new one which will add functionality to some of the methods and then delegate to the original object. The prototypical example is decorating a window object.
A Decorator Example
public innterface Window {
public void draw();
In Java, we'd probably use a decorator to add scroll bars.
public Class VerticalScrollWindow implements Window {
private Window window;
public VerticalScrollWindow(Window window) {
this.window = window;
public void draw() {
The basic concept is that we'll usually want to be adding some behavior around a particular method call to extend behavior, while retaining the same interface.
In ruby, we have a number of options to achieve this pattern. First, let's define our original Window in Ruby code:
class Windowdef draw# do some drawing here...endend
Translating the pattern literally
Given ruby's duck-typing nature, we could easily create a VerticalScrollWindow that wraps the original Window when we create the original window object, and pass that around. In fact we could patch only the single method and add a method_missing implementation that always delegated to the original Window.
class VerticalScrollWindowdef initialize(window)@window=windowenddef drawdraw_vertical_scrollbarwindow.drawenddef method_missing(method,*args,&block)@window.send(*args,&block)endend
This approach could be evolved to a much higher level using method_missing tricks and dynamic modifications. One could create a generic Proxy class which took a target class and intercepted all method calls, executing pre- and post- method blocks for specific methods. I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader for now...
Using Alias
Another option we have is to "monkeypatch" the original class (or specific instances of it). The idea here is to rename the old implemntation of the method, insert a new implementation and have that refer to the renamed original.
class Windowdef draw# do some drawing here...end# some code...alias:original_draw:drawdef drawdraw_vertical_scrollbaroriginal_drawendend
Building pre and post hooks
Our last option is to build pre and post method hooks into the original class definition. Obviously, this approach requires the original class' author to explicitly build in callback hooks. This approach can be found in Capistrano (you can add tasks which get executed before or after well known tasks), or in ActiveRecord (lifecycle type callbacks - i.e. before_save, after_destroy).
This option is a bit more advanced and differs in the approach taken. To learn how Capistrano does it, dive into capistrano/actor.rb, line 118. Each task is defined as a method which explicitly calls before and after methods if they exist.
For ActiveRecord, please refer to activerecord/callback.rb. ActiveRecord goes a little further by allowing class level methods to add pre- and post- code blocks to be executed which will be inherited down the class hierarchy. They also allow instance level methods to be defined for each hook which would not be inherited.