This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Red Handed.
Original Post: The Impending Camping Cramping
Feed Title: RedHanded
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Feed Description: sneaking Ruby through the system
YES I KNOW there has been some talk that CAMPING 1.6 (ONE DOT SIXER) will definitely not have continuations (unless it does) and that this is going to lead to an APOCALYPTIC RIFT between the TRAIL MIX FACTORIES. I’m afraid that all I can do to answer your questions RIGHT NOW is to lower myself into my tank, button UP the hatch, and PRAY OH JUST PRAY that you all make it out alive, WITH ALL of your agilities intact.
NEVER FEAR I have word of a few SOMBER GOODTIMES SPIRITUALS you may cuddle together and coo while we wait for the ANGEL OF DEATH to place its axe:
MANFRED S.’s pleasant little 20-line Hidden Carrots, a sweet little jaunt, one of those if-I-were-the-only-guy-in-the- world-and-you-was-the-only- gal-and-we-had-but-few-pages-to-cache sort of numbers.
The PRARIE DOGS also sing a song, but it’s way under the mud and the only thing you can pick out is Over the Sea / in Camp Dot Dee and who wants to go trouncing way down there anyway.
And, finally, CHRIS CARTER’s, which is not a tuneful ditty at all, but a campsite for showing off your home directory. For those of you whose inclinations lean more toward showing off than singing.
So let’s have fun with Camping, but not forget that everything comes to an end and that we will never ultimately prevail because we’re a pretty pale bunch with very little on-hand cash. So, poop. Still your 4k commander forever, over and out.