This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Bob Silva.
Original Post: RubyConf 2007
Feed Title: Rails Video Tutorials
Feed URL:
Feed Description: A growing collection of screencasts that show you how to use the many facets of the wonderful world of rails.
If you aren't in Denver today, don't worry, you haven't missed much up to now. The History of Ruby slides (once online) will cover everything that was said. While the presenter has a good sense of humor, he broke the number one rule of presentations, DONT READ THE SLIDES! If you want to know what year the Ruby Mailing List was created, make sure you view the slides when they come out. Next up was Evan Pheonix covering his work on Rubinius. Essentially, a Ruby interpreter for Ruby.
Geoffrey Grosenbach of Rails Podcast fame, is presenting right now, so now you can feel like you are missing out on something. He is covering the available graphing libraries that exist, like Gruff, Sparklines and gnuplot ruby interfaces. and of course RMagick.
Kevin Clark is preparing now for his talk on mkrf, a rewrite of the mkmf library for writing C extensions. Written as part of the Google Summer of Code, Kevin, who just joined startup Powerset, to team with Josh Susser, is speaking on the progress he made on writing a better mkmf which uses Rake instead of make. Bottom line, your wife should be easy to use.