This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Obie Fernandez.
Original Post: Rails Skipping the Trough?
Feed Title: Obie On Rails (Has It Been 9 Years Already?)
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Obie Fernandez talks about life as a technologist, mostly as ramblings about software development and consulting. Nowadays it's pretty much all about Ruby and Ruby on Rails.
Gartner plots hype and adoption of new technologies on a graph that starts with some trigger, peaks with inflated expectations, then sharply dips to a "trough of disillusionment". If a technology makes it out of the trough, enlightenment ensues, after which a plateau of productivity can be reached.
Looking at the traditional graph, I can't help but wonder if whether two years into the Rails phenomena we may have the opportunity to protect the community from disillusionment. Perhaps we can skip the trough altogether? Has that already happened? What do you think?