Since then the Globalize project have developed some very serious issues with discontinous development and massive spamming of the Wiki. Therefore I felt quite relieved when I read the following message from Globalize developer Joshua Harvey on the Globalize mailing list.
Hi Everybody,
I'm pleased to welcome Olivier Amblet and Yann Lugrin to the Globalize core development team. This will bring a much needed fresh blast of energy to the project. They've already set up a new and better Trac page at It's empty right now, but if you've had any nagging issues that haven't been addressed, please open or re-open your tickets there. There's a very good chance that they'll actually be handled now :)
The hope is that in a week or two we'll have our brand new Stikipad wiki, and we'll be on our way to more orderly stable releases for each upcoming Rails release, along with more minor Globalize edge revisions. We have some ideas for making Globalize easier to set up and work with, but please send in your ideas as tickets or to the mailing list.
For now, the code is at:
We haven't moved over the whole repository yet, so this is just a current snapshot. I'll keep everyone posted on the latest over the coming days.