This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Bob Silva.
Original Post: Testing Gotchas in Rails
Feed Title: Rails Video Tutorials
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I just spent the past several hours tracking down an issue with my tests. I use a combination of autotest from the ZenTest Suite and rails_rcov for my Rails testing. While testing using autotest, all my tests were passing just fine. I then went to check test-code coverage and all of a sudden I have a failing test.
So what gives? Basically, when running tests using the rake tasks, the test databases are recreated each time you run the task via rake db:test:clone. The real problem was that I was failed to load one of my fixtures in my functional test, but since the data existed from a previous test which used those fixtures, the tests passed. But when running the test from the rake task which resets all the tables, no fixture data existed in the database causing the difference in behavior between the two tools.
As always, if your tests are hokie, CHECK YOUR FIXTURES FIRST! Enjoy this tip.