This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Ryan Davis.
Original Post: rubyforge 0.3.0 and hoe 1.0.5 released
Feed Title: Polishing Ruby
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Musings on Ruby and the Ruby Community...
Skip all this blah blah and them both with one simple command:
sudo gem install hoe
rubyforge 0.3.0
I'm proud to announce that codeforpeople's rubyforge 0.3.0 has been released! This release further refines rubyforge's abilities, adding news posting and finally adding multiple file releases!
We still have a lot of plans for this library. Next on the list is to be able interact with tracker, error checking, and a much more powerful and mostly automatic configuration system.
0.3.0 / 2006-10-03:
Added more debugging output if $DEBUG
Added news posting.
Added multiple file release to addrelease (uses addfile for extras).
addrelease now returns releaseid
Fixed config scraper to include '-' in names.
hoe 1.0.5
Hoe has become a monster I'm falling for. Tiny, simple, nicely constrained, yet rather powerful.
Doco cleanup.
Removed Manifest.txt from rdoc and added title.
Added changeset support.
Added spec_extras for easy gemspec attribute setting.
Added release_notes, changeset setting for releases.
Added paragraphs_of utility method.
Added email and rubyforge news announcement tasks.