This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Red Handed.
Original Post: Hoodwink.d Nameplates & Rollups
Feed Title: RedHanded
Feed URL:
Feed Description: sneaking Ruby through the system
The busy and inaudible drone of the winkers. It’s just sort of a pit-pit-a-gfif-ppp off behind the scrim. Well, that noise, all that shuffling—they were actually working on a elevator-up-elevator-down theme called slidy slidy. And I embraced it. It smelled like baby’s breath.
Hoodwink.d 1.9 does too. Please deinstall then reinstall.
Zero wink counts don’t show.
Nameplates, not avatars.
Which means: one background (URL) and one color (HEX).
Rollup the wink sheet.
Live preview your winks.
See, much less intrusive. Much fancier. It’s like prepubescence, where you don’t really trust Hoodwink.d with your vehicles or power of attorney, but you’ll see it cook its own fish sticks every once in awhile, which makes you go, “hey, look who’s cooking her own fish sticks.” Which scares hoodwink.d, who didn’t see you coming, and now tartar sauce is spilled all over your nurturing ways. My thanks to aanand and Asztal and ecmanaut for their carefree experiments!