This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Christopher Cyll.
Original Post: Two Down
Feed Title: Topher Cyll
Feed URL:
Feed Description: I'm not too worried about it. Ruby and programming languages.
The second chapter of my upcoming Ruby book is done! Man it feels
good. But now I have to decide which chapter to write next.
I haven't had as much time to blog as of late, but I'm going to take
this opportunity to give a shout out to two great Ruby tools I've been
using at work lately.
Syntax - This module apparently does a lot, but I've mostly been subclassing it's Syntax::Tokenizer. With a little glue code these tokenizers can be easily used along side...
RACC - In the style of YACC, RACC is LALR(1) parser generator, but you get to use Ruby (and it generates Ruby) instead of C.
I'm always amazed at how many low profile, but very cool libraries
there are for Ruby.