This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Daniel Berger.
Original Post: Your RubyForge tip o' the day
Feed Title: Testing 1,2,3...
Feed URL:
Feed Description: A blog on Ruby and other stuff.
I know more than a few people want to clean up their RubyForge project pages, which they feel are too cluttered with stuff they don't use. So, turn it off. :)
From the RubyForge FAQ:
"If you don't plan to use some of the features that RubyForge provides, consider disabling them; after all, you can always turn them back on. You can turn things off by logging in to RubyForge, clicking over to your project's summary page, clicking the Admin tab, clicking the "Edit Public Info" link, and deselecting the appropriate checkboxes. Likely candidates for disabling include the mailing lists, the project/task manager, and the surveys."
Mind you, I still want opt-out instead of opt-in for the auto-mailer, but Tom is working on it. :)