This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by rwdaigle.
Original Post: open-sourced
Feed Title: Ryan's Scraps
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Ryan Daigle's various technically inclined rants along w/ the "What's new in Edge Rails" series.
I gave a short and not-very-well-prepared demo of at the Raleigh Ruby Brigade last night that generated a few inklings of interest amongst the crowd. And I use the word “interest” generously. However, I’ve been meaning to open-source the app for awhile now since I rarely find the time to play with it anymore – if for nothing else than to see if somebody else wants to use it as a learning tools as I did and try to further its functionality.
This comes with the disclaimer that I am not proud at all of the state of the code, and especially the state of the tests. Look at this as more of an opportunity for improvement than for a model by which all others should be based.
So, if you’ve got some interest in hacking away at a cool little Rails project – let me know. I’d love to see this get taken forward a few steps…