Christian Neukirchen
Posts: 188
Nickname: chris2
Registered: Mar, 2005
Christian Neukirchen is a student from Biberach, Germany playing and hacking with Ruby.
RailsConf Europe on index cards, part II
Posted: Sep 17, 2006 12:19 PM
A note to the interested reader: These are the raw notes I jotted
down at RailsConf Europe 2006. They are probably misleading,
out-of-context and not particularly useful if you didn’t attend the
sessions. Nevertheless, enjoy.
Jim Weirich: Playing it safe
Are open classes a poor fit for large projects?
The Chainsaw Infanticide Logger Maneuver
Leeroy Jenkins
“Guard against Murphy, not Machiavelli” —Damian Conway
use namespaces
10 Node classes on his disk
Choose project name carefully.
Avoid toplevel functions and constants.
lessons from Rake
Avoid modifying existing classes.
Prefer adding over modifying.
When adding, use project-scoped namespace.
When adding public methods, ask first.
Chain into the next hook.
Only handle your special cases.
Limit the scope of your hook.
Preserve the original behavior.
Understand and respect contacts.
Require no more—promise no less.
Replaced behavior must be duck-type compatible.
All in all:
Be polite with global resources.
Preserve essential behavior.
Why The Lucky Stiff
Remove your moustaches
Ilias, anywhere?
sandbox demo
(unreproducible on index cards)
Hussein Morsy: Database Optimization Techniques
1.5 years Rails experience, PHP before
works on a German Rails book
overview of his workplace
Rails code
number of connections
transmitted data
DB itself
read the AR source!
AR strangeness (proxying)
selecting only what you need
preloading children
preloading and selecting
Dan Webb: Unobtrusive AJAX with Rails
Dark age of DHTML
Fixed resolution
Web standards arrived
Benefits of Web standards
Behaviour: View layer among CSS and XHTML
enhancing a working app
graceful degradation
not the Rails way
Don’t use <a>
with onclick=
Links should not have side-effects
Hamton Catlin: HAML
“My other computer is open source.”
HTML Abstraction Markup Language
templating sucks in Rails, compared to the other stuff.
Code should be beautiful
XHTML is prone to errors when done manually
XHTML structure matters
Diet soda can help you lose weight.
Common markup is good.
DIVs are building blocks.
indentation matters (ugh?!)
no control structures (use partials, arrays)
partials are properly indented
James Duncan Davidson: The web is a pipe, and more
Unexpected things tell us lessons.
Cigarette smoke is useful for finding cracks in airplanes.
didn’t expect that Ant will turn into a language
In the early days, we used FastCGI to deploy.
FastCGI turned out to be weak sauce.
HTTP is the real thing, stick to it.
You learn how stuff works best when you look how it breaks.
the simpler, the better
Flatten storage and memory
S3, they use it themselves
Google: BigTable
CPU cycles *do* matter
more power
more energy
help save the environment
Dave Thomas
This conf had highest four-letter words concentration.
thinking about terrorism
not about killing, but leveraging fear, making people afraid
fear is wasteful
assess risk
lately(?), FUD has started about Rails
Java is dynamically typed too (e.g. Collections, casts before 1.5)
“You can’t possibly use something before it’s being used.”
“Every publisher has Ruby books coming out—they’re all copycats.”
The opposite of risk is not safety—it’s stagnation.
NP: The Byrds—Glory, Glory
Read: RailsConf Europe on index cards, part II