This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Ryan Davis.
Original Post: RubyInline 3.6.0 Released (finally)
Feed Title: Polishing Ruby
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Musings on Ruby and the Ruby Community...
Ruby Inline is an analog to Perl's Inline::C. Out of the box, it
allows you to embed C/++ external module code in your ruby script
directly. By writing simple builder classes, you can teach how to cope
with new languages (fortran, perl, whatever). The code is compiled and
run on the fly when needed.
Using the package_inline tool Inline now allows you to package up
your inlined object code for distribution to systems without a
compiler (read: windows)!
+ Quick and easy inlining of your C or C++ code embedded in your ruby script.
+ Extendable to work with other languages.
+ Automatic conversion between ruby and C basic types
+ char, unsigned, unsigned int, char *, int, long, unsigned long
+ inline_c_raw exists for when the automatic conversion isn't sufficient.
+ Only recompiles if the inlined code has changed.
+ Pretends to be secure.
+ Only requires standard ruby libraries, nothing extra to download.
+ Can generate a basic Rakefile and package up built extensions for distribution.
+ 6 minor enhancements
+ C builder can now be used directly for other foreign language glue.
+ Pretty much all (c) functions are plain argument style, not argc/argv.
+ Added Nathaniel and Dan's patches for windows support.
+ Added VALUE as a default known type.
+ Improved testing under $DEBUG.
+ Deprecated $INLINE_FLAGS and $INLINE_LIBS are dead.
+ 3 bug fixes
+ Fixed a number of issues wrt testing.
+ Cleaned up and cached certain calculations.
+ Some windows compiler fixes went in, but MS compiler is a PITA still.