This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Robby Russell.
Original Post: RailsConf Europe, day zero
Feed Title: Robby on Rails
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Ruby on Rails development, consulting, and hosting from the trenches...
Arrived in London yesterday after ~13 hours of flying from Portland to Chicago to London. It seems that sleeping on planes (or trains) is not something that my body does well… so I am pretty tired. That mixed with general jet lag due to an eight hour time zone change… my body is feeling pretty confused. In fact, I am typing this from my hotel lobby at 5am.
Yesterday, I was wandering around London, seeking a new UK/US power adapter (thought I blew the one that I brought… long story) and was taking a picture, when I heard a familiar voice say, “Robby?” Go figure… travel across the world and some Canadian (david goodlad) spots you in downtown London. He was walking with Luke Redpath and Jarkko Laine to PizzaOnRails. It’s a good thing that I bumped into them because I thought it was in the complete opposite direction!
Here are a few pictures that I snapped…
The pictures that I took at the pizza & beer party didn’t come out so well… but here is one of James Adam. I was really looking forward to getting to spend some time with him again. We’re both speaking at the Ruby on Rails Seminar in California in a few weeks as well. That’ll make four conferences in six months that we’ve both been to together. :-)
Thanks again to everyone who has sent me links to veggie-friendly places to eat at in London.
Quotes from RailsConf Europe
The only one worth mentioning so far was…
“This is definitely the first time that I have eaten pizza while walking in the rain.” -drblack
Buzz in the Rails community
The RadRails guys are up to no good. Kyle Shank gave us a quick overview of a Rails project that they are working on called HedgeHog. The project is definitely something that I’ll be looking forward to trying when it’s available. :-)
Everybody is extremely busy with client work. By the way, we are hiring.
A Dublin Ruby User Group is in the works… would they be called DRUG? ;-)