This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Red Handed.
Original Post: Sandbox Has a New Patch
Feed Title: RedHanded
Feed URL:
Feed Description: sneaking Ruby through the system
What was a two-line patch has now become rather significant. Lots of development in the last few revolutions of the sun, mostly in regard to two massively outstanding issues: threading and security. (Instructions updated.)
What & How Many?
MenTaLguY’s Thread#kill! method, which circumvents ensure inside the thread.
My thread save/restore hooks, which let the sandbox walk in lockstep with your app’s threading.
Also, exposing of ruby_top_cref and top_cref to let require work. (Already in Ruby CVS.)
Okay & To What End?
The Thread#kill! patch means we can now timeout threads:
val = => 10).eval %{
loop {}
You can now accept endless loops and other DoS techniques into your safe sandbox and they’ll go away in due course. You’ll see a Sandbox::TimeoutError come back instead.
And the threading stuff means you can load libraries which use threads into separate sandboxes. Or manage sandboxes inside of threads. Whatever. With some encouragement on #camping last night, I got two Mongrels working in separate sandboxes!