This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Robby Russell.
Original Post: Leaving on a Jet Plane...
Feed Title: Robby on Rails
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Ruby on Rails development, consulting, and hosting from the trenches...
Your payment of ��616.88, has been received and your RailsConf Europe 2006 registration is now complete
Ouch! In USD… this translates…
UK�� 616.88 = $1175.21809 U.S. dollars
So, I am going to be heading to sunny London, UK on September 12th for the RailsConf Europe. In fact, I’ll be traveling for about two full weeks in September as I will be heading to London for the conference and to wander around for a few extra days. Then I will be flying to New York City on the 17th or 18th for almost a week where I will be working with one of our clients for a few days and spending the weekend sightseeing.
If you’re interested in meeting up with me in either London or New York during these trips… email me. :-)
james.adam: hey, there's a small possibilty that i might be in NY at the same time as you too!
robby: heh. cool
james.adam: that would be 3 weekends in a row. people will talk