This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Eric Stewart.
Original Post: DRb and Rinda for Distributed Computation Prototyping
Feed Title: Ponderings On Ruby
Feed URL:
Feed Description: This is the Ruby related section of Eric Stewart's weblog. These entries will be the commentary of a long time Java/C++ programmer that started exploring Ruby in 2003.
Earlier this year I ventured back from a very enjoyable year building and deploying a project in Ruby on Rails into the familiar territory of Java. Ruby has become cemented as a valuable tool that will certainly remain near the top of my tool box, ready for use.
Right now, however, I’m working on problems that are outside the realm of where Ruby shines (though I’m certain it’ll catch up soon enough). In particular, I recently had the need to research some ideas on creating a solution for a problem that lends itself to distributed computation.