This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Bob Silva.
Original Post: More reasons for Rails NOT to be mainstream
Feed Title: Rails Video Tutorials
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Feed Description: A growing collection of screencasts that show you how to use the many facets of the wonderful world of rails.
Kevin Clark, a fellow #cabooser, and great programmer posted an article on his blog today that for one reason or another sparked some contraversy. He wrote about Rails coding practices that he believes (either through experience or following the core mailing list) should not be used anymore. The pros and cons of scaffolding in production, engines, components, protected instance variables and help vampires are all things that have been discussed openly in various venues and Kevin advocated against them with his reasons why.
What happened next is hard to describe but it's like a pack of wolves came out and shredded him apart. Not sure where these "Rails" programmers came from but I hope they don't stick around. Besides, how can you get upset at a guy that looks like a cute little chia pet?