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by Bob Silva.
Original Post: LiteSpeed 2.2 eases Rails Configuration
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The guys over at LiteSpeed really stepped it up this time with their support for Ruby on Rails in their newest release of LiteSpeed 2.2. The ability to configure and deploy a Rails site now has its own configuration page in the administration GUI.
Once you define the defaults for RoR applications on your webserver, you can setup and deploy a site in just a few clicks. Prior to the 2.2 release you had several options for getting LiteSpeed to redirect requests to dispatch.lsapi, you could use rewrites or 404 redirects. Now in 2.2 you can just use the new Rails context feature. LiteSpeed will handle the connections to dispatch.lsapi.
Speed plus agility, what a great combination. Check out their Wiki for some quick start instructions on getting up and running with Ruby on Rails on their platform. I'm interested in seeing what performance benefits I will receive with their Enterprise Version running Rails on the new SMP server, hope they offer educational discounts.