This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by rodney ramdas.
Original Post: RailsCloud or StarfishCloud ?
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Feed Description: A personal take on Ruby and Rails
I’m not actually writing this blog post since I’m way too busy to be writing for leisure, so I did not write this…
Amazon released the Elastic Computing Cloud which basically gives you a customizable xen instance on-demand whenever you want and whenever you need it as I understand it.
Coupled with Amazon’s virtual storage service S3 we can do some pretty cool things. How about: an instance (an Amazon Machine Image) that has your prefered Rails stack built-in, ready to go on demand. Maybe we can make one like Ezra’s or make it more lightweight (though Ezra’s stack is pretty light).
You can offer this image to your customers whenever they need capacity at a moments notice, you could build a whole mongrel cluster of AMI’s, you could build a application specific instance and boot that as a sort of Rails Applicance if you like.
Need an acceptance environement in a hurry ? Boot another AMI. Need to crunch some stuff ? How about distributing the load over some Starfish clients ?
There are lots of possibilities here and some commercial possibilities as well. Strange I haven’t heard about this from the Rails community. Maybe I’ve not been listening hard enough ?