You might have heard of Florian Gro��' Binding.of_caller before. More
probably, you might have used his breakpoint library (yes, the one included
in Rails, which can be used with script/breakpointer). If you read ruby-core
a few months ago, you'll know that it only worked thanks to a bug which is
being fixed in Ruby 1.8.5. Which means that breakpoint will be breaking in
under a week time, since
matz is releasing 1.8.5 next Friday or Saturday at the latest*1.
Fortunately, I'd kept an unreleased rcov branch with some 500 lines of C to
implement a better Kernel#caller method, which I
had discarded at first because there was a much easier way to proceed when bindings
were not needed.
So, I have the functionality that will keep breakpoint alive after the arrival of
1.8.5, but I need some help to refine the interface before it can be released; better get the naming right the first time, and this is something several
brains tend to do better than one.