This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Daniel Berger.
Original Post: TextMate, haha
Feed Title: Testing 1,2,3...
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Feed Description: A blog on Ruby and other stuff.
"[TextMate is] a big part of the reason that Ruby on Rails programmers are picking up Macs in droves."
Yeah, I can see how this might happen:
Bob: Hey Joe, are you gonna buy a Mac? Joe: Nah, they're overpriced. Plus, I've heard about lots of hardware issues. Bob: It's a lot more secure than Windows. Looks prettier than Linux and it's based on the BSD kernel so you know it's stable. Joe: Yeah, I know, but I'm happy with Linux on my inexpensive x86 hardware. It gets the job done. Bob: Are you sure? Take a look at this editor. Joe: An editor? Why would I buy a Mac because of an ed....WHOA, HOLY SHIT, I BETTER DROP $3000 AND GET ME A DUAL G5 PRONTO! THAT'S THE BEST EDITOR EVARRRRRR! Aside: Emission of bodily fluids ensues.
Give me a break. Seriously.
I was at the lightning talk session at RailsConf when someone (one of the plugin developers?) got up there and demo'd the Ruby plugin for Eclipse where he pretty much body-slammed TextMate. He demonstrated, in 5 minutes, that there is absolutely nothing special about TextMate when compared to the Eclipse plugin, other than the fact that it costs more. TextMate, I mean. The Eclipse plugin is free.
FTR, I mostly use Eclipse and gvim, depending on my mood.