This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Eigen Class.
Original Post: Opening up my hiki wiki: bliki.rb plugin
Feed Title: Eigenclass
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Feed Description: Ruby stuff --- trying to stay away from triviality.
You might have realized that has been
changing subtly as of late. In addition to the cosmetic modifications, I've upgraded to hiki 0.8.6 and rewritten my hiki hacks as self-contained plugins.
The last one I've been working on allows you to enable
modifications to a set of nodes without opening up all of the wiki: creation
of new nodes is disabled, and some operations are restricted. This is what the
admin sees when editing a page:
hiki already ships with a plugin that allows you to restrict modification so
that only authenticated users can edit the wiki (and also to freeze some
pages), but my code allows you to open specific pages to everybody, while
keeping the rest of the wiki frozen*1.
I've created a few "open" nodes, enabling modifications to them:
Larger parts of will become open if spam doesn't get too
annoying. I have several ideas to fight it, were it needed.
I'll release my hiki plugins in a while (which I sort of promised quite a
long time ago), but here's bliki.rb, so you can see how easily hiki can
be extended: