This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Ryan Davis.
Original Post: Upgrade rails now
Feed Title: Polishing Ruby
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Musings on Ruby and the Ruby Community...
If you prefer to freeze your rails checkout. I recommend stealing this rule:
namespace :rails do
namespace :freeze do
desc "Lock to a specific rails version. Defaults to 1.1.5 or specify with RELEASE=x.y.z"
task :version do
rel = ENV['RELEASE'] || '1.1.5'
tag = 'rel_' + rel.split(/[.-]/).join('-')
rails_svn = "{tag}"
puts "Freezing to #{tag} using #{rails_svn}"
sh "type svn"
dir = 'vendor/rails'
rm_rf dir
mkdir_p dir
for framework in %w( railties actionpack activerecord actionmailer activesupport actionwebservice )
checkout = "#{dir}/#{framework}"
sh "svn export #{rails_svn}/#{framework} #{checkout}"
unless test ?d, checkout then
puts "ERROR: checkout missing: #{checkout}"
exit 1
and running:
rake rails:freeze:version
It'll default to 1.1.5 or you can specify the tagged version you want using RELEASE=x.y.z.