This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Brian Ford.
Original Post: Rails' future is bright indeed, bright like the sun
Feed Title: def euler(x); cos(x) + i*sin(x); end
Feed URL:
Feed Description: euler(PI) # => -1
If you don’t get a chance to hang out on our irc channel much (#planetargon on, you may have missed some of the innovations on the horizon for Rails: We’ll let you know when the nuclear-powered Rails beta is up for testing.
Anyway, Happy Birthday Rails!
12:24tacodoghrm. there are 3ppb of uranium in seawater. 12:24tacodog4.5b estimated tons of uranium in the ocean 12:24tacodogeven more thorium. 12:25tacodogthe uranium alone could power the world for the next 6500 years. 12:26* harrisjhatches a world-domination scheme 12:41tacodogyou know how i came across all this? one day i was eating crab with the wife 12:42tacodogi looked over and saw a pile of crabshells 12:42tacodogwondered what it could be used for 12:42tacodogchitin is the second most common organic substance in the world. second only to cellulose 12:42tacodogand one of the things you can do with chitin is to clean water. 12:42tacodogsewer water 12:42harrisjwhat about keratin? 12:42tacodogit absorbs metals 12:43tacodogdunno. 12:43tacodogbut chitin is crabs, insects, etc. 12:43tacodogso, it absorbs metals in water 12:43tacodoguranium, titanium adn thorium are dissolved in seawater 12:43tacodogso… i started doing some research 12:44tacodoga japanese scientist ‘mined’ yellow cake from the ocean 12:44tacodogamazing 12:44harrisjtacodog: wow 12:45tacodogmore thorium than uranium in seawater 12:45tacodogmore expensive to use thorium in a reactor, but it’s possible 12:45tacodogand… pair this with pebble bed reactors… 12:45tacodogand you got yourself a bidness 12:46tacodogsorry, i’m a nerd. i admit it. this fascinates me. 12:47lanaerbah, no apologies. 12:47lanaerjust keep adding to the interesting tidbits of info I come across in my day :) 12:47dgibbonsyeah this is much better then the talk in my other channels 12:48lanaerheh 13:49brixentacodog: thanks, now #planetargon just bubbled to the top of the list at NSA 13:49brixenthey’re busily researching everybody 13:51brixenbut I like the idea: get your own nuclear powered rails app :P 13:52brixenrails on uranium, or thorium 13:52tshinenuclear powered rails aparams 13:52tshineopps 13:52tacodoghahaha 13:52tshinenuclear powered rails on a 9-volt budget 13:52* tacodogis back from lunch 13:53tshinemy hotkey proggy inserted that little tidbit :( 13:53dgibbonsyour rails app generates enough power you can sell it back to the power company