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The "real world" can eat my shorts

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Brian Ford

Posts: 153
Nickname: brixen
Registered: Dec, 2005

Brian Ford is Rails developer with PLANET ARGON.
The "real world" can eat my shorts Posted: Aug 4, 2006 6:25 PM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz by Brian Ford.
Original Post: The "real world" can eat my shorts
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Yesterday, Robby messaged me that he was invited to be a speaker at Sys-Con Rails Conference. (Sorry, I’d have a link for you, but I’m getting a 500 page right now.) Right in the title, it mentions Ruby on Rails in the “real world”. I am unable to suppress a groan every time I hear that quoted phrase “real world”.

The “real world” label is used to legitimize. If something works in the “real world”, that basically says it’s not a toy, it’s for real. But if you look around at what works in the real world, you might ask yourself, “Why on earth would I want to imitate that?” I certainly do. The “real world” is filled with lame, difficult, buggy, costly software.

This relates to a point from DHH’s keynote at RailsConf that I’ve been meaning to reiterate. DHH essentially said that he lives in a fantasy world. I don’t think most of us realize how lucky we are that he does.

Imagine if he didn’t. Imagine DHH working on a nascent ActiveRecord and being closely in touch with the “real world”. Certainly, he would want it to be legitimate, not merely a toy. To be legit, it should solve “real world” problems. The “real world” is full of complex databases. It better support any imaginable scheme for primary keys, even composite ones. Anything less would… hmm, not work well in the “real world”.

The point is, we should be eager to say no to features. But in the “real world”, it is rare to find someone eager to do so. Sure, I can imagine my super-gizmo-mondo-cool coffee cup that is also a mobile phone, razor, electric toothbrush, talking tire gauge, and bottle opener. But why?! Just because it’s possible, does not mean that it’s desirable.

Really, our ability to live in a fantasy world, even briefly, is a terribly two-edged sword. It gives us the ability to imagine a world that does not exist, and execute the steps necessary to manifest it. For example, Rails. At the same time, it gives us the ability to imagine a world that does not exist, and execute the steps necessary to manifest it. For example, J2EE.

One of those two is thriving in the “real world”, according to the connotations normally associated with that phrase. I think we’re trying too hard in the wrong direction if we are chasing the “real world”. Rails is a disruptive technology; and that is something to be celebrated.

Rails does not need to be legitimized.

That’s my opinion. In fact, I think we do a disservice to the disruptive potential of Rails by trying to legitimize it with the “real world” label. I may be reading too much into the “real world” phrase in the Sys-Con event title, but since it is billed as being for CEO’s, CTO’s, etc., I don’t think so.

I think Rails is highly relevant to creating real world applications, meaning those that assist people to achieve their goals by doing much more with far, far less complexity. That requires us to have a vivid imagination and vibrant fantasy life. In other words, a good, healthy distance from the “real world”.

Read: The "real world" can eat my shorts

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