This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Robby Russell.
Original Post: Knowing Me, Knowing You
Feed Title: Robby on Rails
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Ruby on Rails development, consulting, and hosting from the trenches...
One of the things that we aim to do at PLANET ARGON is keep a sense of transparency between you… whether you be a client, community members, readers, or voyeurs. For those of you who don’t hang out all day in our live chat channel… you might not know who is behind the curtain. I’d like to take a moment to list some random facts related to PLANET ARGON in a series titled, “Knowing Me, Knowing You1.” a-haa!
Did You Know?
50% of the employees at PLANET ARGON are vegetarians! (can you guess who?)
50% of the employees at PLANET ARGON are originally from Oregon. (can you guess who?)
Andrew claims to have beaten minesweeper on expert in 112 seconds!
Nicole was an exchange student in Switzerland for a year.
Brian is currently majoring in Mathematics.
Jeremy skipped the first grade.
Robby dropped out of high school when he was 16.
Allison built her first web page on Prodigy at age 14, it was called Allieâs in Wonderland. (sorry, no internet archives!)
David says he has three piercings... but I’ve only seen one. o.0
Daniel was a sea scout and got the nickname OB, which was short for OBservant. be continued.
Your Turn!
Send me an email and share some random facts and I’ll select a few to mention on my next installment of Knowing Me, Knowing You.