This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Jeremy Voorhis.
Original Post: See You at RailsConf Europe
Feed Title: JVoorhis
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Feed Description: JVoorhis is a Rubyist in northeast Ohio. He rambles about Ruby on Rails, development practices, other frameworks such as Django, and on other days he is just full of snark.
This morning, David Heinemeier Hansson addressed Lars Pind’s concern about the lack of buzz surrounding RailsConf Europe. Here are my reasons why you should attend:
The speaker lineup is incredible. If you didn’t make it to OSCON, now is your chance to hear the wise and charismatic Kathy Sierra. Ruby gods PragDave and Jim Weirich – the author of the Pickaxe and the developer of Rake, respectively – will be presenting. David A. Black, author of Ruby For Rails, will also be presenting. Although I am not listing all of the keynotes here, an additional four will be delivered by members of Rails core – Rails core will have a stronger presence than at the American RailsConf.
Another reason RailsConf Europe is worthwhile: Ruby Central. While attending the American RailsConf, I realized how truly hard Chad Fowler and David A. Black worked to ensure that all involved had a great experience. If RailsConf Europe’s American counterpart set any kind of precedent, RailsConf Europe will not disappoint.
Finally, I’ll be delivering a new talk about a topic that I have wrestled with quite a bit lately while working at PLANET ARGON, as well as writing a book for O’Reilly Media. A summary:
Project automation enables development with greater
rapidity and fewer errors. Your systems administrator
knows this, and many long-standing development projects
have accumulated an extensive repertoire of scripts and
build tasks. While Rails developers have the industry’s
best tools for project automation at their disposal,
many of them are unfamiliar with these tools. In this
talk, I will explore a diverse set of problems tasks
which can be made simpler with good project automation.
In this talk, I will attempt to give a high-level view of what project automation is, why it is necessary, and how to implement it by using Rails’ built-in Rake tasks and Capistrano, how to automate tasks special to your project, and how to deal with one-off cases like digital asset management, or writing a book.