This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Ryan Davis.
Original Post: people are stupid
Feed Title: Polishing Ruby
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Musings on Ruby and the Ruby Community...
I had one of these pointed at me yesterday. Eric and I were travelling on 520 near 405 and because of the 405 onramp and the car in front of us we wound up merging left. The car behind us did the same at the same time, but he tried speeding up to cut us off. It didn't happen and he flipped us off. Eric flipped back. We ignored him until he passed us on the right up near 140th, pointing the gun at us. Unfortunately for the idiot with the gun, he was driving a white suburu outback with a vanity plate reading "DONGER". Within 90 minutes the guy was in custody.
Some people are beyond stupid. To them, we say "fuck you":