This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Christopher Cyll.
Original Post: How I Learned Ruby
Feed Title: Topher Cyll
Feed URL:
Feed Description: I'm not too worried about it. Ruby and programming languages.
This meme
appears to have legs.
What was your technical background before you started learning Ruby/Rails?
Honestly? I was a Python guy. I'd done a lot of web development in
Perl, but I never liked it, and I was fluent in several other
languages too. But whenever I had the option, I would write Python.
Then I took a job at Intel on the CPU Architecture Performace
Team. The two approved dynamic languages were Perl and Ruby. I jumped
at the chance to learn Ruby (which had been on my list for a while),
and before I knew it, it had replaced Python as my language of choice.
How long ago did you start?
Hmm, I guess I've been writing Ruby for about two and a half years now.
What were the two most useful resources to you in the learning process (not counting The Agile Book or the Pickaxe Book, which we'll assume everyone knows about)?
I find I learn best from examples and a good API reference.
Tell us the story of how you came to learn Rails:
Well, the buzz had gotten to the level of dull roar where I couldn't
realistically ignore it anymore, so Ben and I used it build ReleaseFeed, a site for tracking
video game releases that we never really found time to
maintain. Coming from Apache PageKit I was already used to MVC web
development, but even so, Rails blew PageKit out of the water.
Three Ruby bloggers to whom you're passing the baton: