This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Christopher Cyll.
Original Post: OSCON/FOSCON
Feed Title: Topher Cyll
Feed URL:
Feed Description: I'm not too worried about it. Ruby and programming languages.
OSCON begins
for me tomorrow at the evening gala. I'm particularly looking forward
to Larry Wall's State of the Onion and the Google Open Source Awards.
I've spent tonight preparing for my talk at FOSCON II: The Ruby Rodeo, OSCON's
free and Ruby oriented sibling. FOSCON is Wed. 26th of July at 7:30pm
at FreeGeek in Portland.
My talk is titled "Building a Ruby/DHTML Turn Based Strategy
Game... in 20 minutes." I've begun putting up materials about this
talk and my efforts to make a DHTML Turn Based Strategy here on
Hope to see you at FOSCON!