This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Red Handed.
Original Post: Hpricot and Sandbox for Win32
Feed Title: RedHanded
Feed URL:
Feed Description: sneaking Ruby through the system
Mauricio checked in some Rakefiles for cross-compiling to win32, so I’ve got some win32 gems for Hpricot and the (FF)Sandbox. The majority of you can now:
THE SANDBOX ONE IS COMPILED FOR 1.8.4 SO IT HAS TOTALLY GOT HOLES. And yet, fun can still be had I’m sure.
As for cross-compiling, I’m using mingw on FreeBSD. Here’s how:
cd /usr/ports/devel/mingw32-gcc
sudo make install
cd ~/sand
mv usr/local RUBY-1_8_4-MINGW32
rm -rf usr
cd ~/dev
svn co sandbox
cd sandbox
export MINGW32_RUBY=/home/why/sand/RUBY-1_8_4-MINGW32
export MINGW32_PREFIX=mingw32
rake rubygems_win32
I mean that’s alot better than putting together a VM and trying to track down a decent free Microsoft compiler. A couple weeks ago, I spent six hours on it and made no progress.