Before I get into how to lock down the sandbox, let’s talk about what kinds of nifty things you can do with it when you’re just running your own code.
dir_proc = proc { Dir['/*'] }
require 'sandbox'
sbox =
sbox.eval("Kernel").module_eval do
define_method(:root_directory) do
This is the “plain” Sandbox mode. It’s not as focused on security. You can pass objects in and out. So eval("Kernel") gives us the Kernel in the sandbox. Here’s proof:
So “plain” mode lets us add directly to the objects. In the first example, a method gets added to the sandbox Kernel. A proc is used to get a scope that’s outside the Sandbox. (Sandboxes clear out Ruby’s scope list.)
I envision Railsers will use this to keep the web server in contact with apps mounted in different sandboxes. Unless this rains havoc on Mongrel’s threads. I guess we’ll see!