This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by rodney ramdas.
Original Post: Rails Workshop in Amsterdam !
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Feed Description: A personal take on Ruby and Rails
Now we’ve done it. Things will never be the same again. My company has organized an intensive 1-day Ruby on Rails Workshop. Your instructor will be none other than David Black, the author of the Manning book Ruby for Rails. David really doesn’t need an introduction, he’s a well known person in the Ruby and Ruby on Rails community and of course one of the organizers of RubyConf.
The Workshop is geared at web developers , you might have done some PHP or Java or something else entirely. David had a chance to do this workshop earlier in Toronto, Canada with my friends from Visionist (Jeffrey and Clovis) and it was an instant smash hit.
We’ve managed to get a venue at Hotel Arena, just 5 minutes from Amsterdam city center. Hotel Arena is a beautiful 19th century monumental building, designed with a chic & modern interior but you really won’t notice because you’ll be totally immersed in Ruby on Rails :-)
If you’re interested , look here for more info including an overview of what will be taught