This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Daniel Berger.
Original Post: RailsConf: Day 2
Feed Title: Testing 1,2,3...
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Feed Description: A blog on Ruby and other stuff.
The first talk was Justin Gehtland's Ajax on Rails talk. It was pretty good, but I need to go back over my notes (and read more on Ajax in general) so I can start using this stuff more efficiently in my own apps.
The next talk was Scott Raymond's "Lessons" talk. His talk was more philosophical than the other talks, which suited me just fine, and I definitely enjoyed it, especially as an ex-classics guy.
The third talk was Seth Fitzsimmon's Lucene talk. I knew absolutely nothing about Lucene so this was fun. Seth knows his stuff (though talks *very* fast), so it was pretty educational. It's only too bad I don't have any personal use for it.
The fourth talk was Ezra's "Rails Deployment". This was more or less another "Lessons" talk, but one that focused more on hosting, web servers, and general scaling issues. A good overall talk with some good lessons.
The last talk was Glenn Vanderburg's "Migrations" talk. Again, I knew very little about the topic so this was both a good and enlightening talk for me.
I skipped Mike's testing talk since he said it would be basic. I also skipped Nathaniel's Homesteading talk since I saw it at RubyConf last year.
DHH's "keynote" was mostly a technical talk that went over new features planned for upcoming versions of Rails.