This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by Daniel Berger.
Original Post: RailsConf: Day 1
Feed Title: Testing 1,2,3...
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Feed Description: A blog on Ruby and other stuff.
I attended Mike Clark's Capistrano talk in the morning. I enjoyed the talk since I knew very little about Capistrano going into it. I can see how I can use Capistrano not only for Rails, and I plan on using this at work as soon as I get back.
Note to Mike Clark: Unix shell commands != POSIX. I haven't checked, but it sounds like Capistrano might shell out to Unix commands (STUPID!), which means it doesn' work on Windows. Well, it doesn't work to Windows machines, I should say. There's no excuse for that, really.
The next talk was Jim Freeze's Asterisk talk. While interesting, it had absolutely nothing to do with Rails. I have no doubt this pissed off some people.
The next talk was Steven Smith's talk about monitoring Rails apps in production. What started off well enough unfortunately degenerated into a product demo. It's a nice product, but still - blech.
The last talk of the day was Amy Hoy's scaffolding addiction talk. Some people found it too basic, but I still enjoyed it, and it did make me think about the way I've done some things in my own Rails apps.
Side Note - Amy's talk led me to suggest to Rich Kilmer that there should be some indication as to the level of complexity of the talk on the schedule, e.g. "beginner", "intermediate" and "advanced", because it's too hard to tell from the abstract what the complexity level will be. He thought that was a good idea. I need to officially submit that to the feedback site.
The night ended with two great keynotes from Martin Fowler and Paul Graham, respectively. After that was the rather odd Why the Lucky Stiff and the Thirsty Cups. Except for the "Least Surprised" cartoons, I thought it was just too odd. Maybe I'm just not hip. Just remember folks, this is the guy in charge of the YAML library for Ruby.
Random thought of the nite: Paul Graham kinda looks like the actor John Heard.