This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Ruby Buzz
by rodney ramdas.
Original Post: Railsconf 2006
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Feed Description: A personal take on Ruby and Rails
So, I’m about to board my plane back home. Railsconf 2006 was great. I met a lot of interesting people. I’m sure you’re going to hear a lot from other faithful bloggers about Railsconf (the amount of macbooks and macbook pro’s was astonishing and there’s nothing like the sound of a hundred keyboards blogging live and direct).
Major hotness to come out Railsconf you ask ? Ha, how about why’s Balloon ?
And ofcourse: DHH announced ( and almost immediately released) ActiveResource. ActiveResource takes CRUD to the next level basically by applying crudness to http. If that doesn’t make immediate sense have a look at this:
Person = do |p|
p.uri ""
p.credentials :name => "dhh", :password => "secret"
Here David sets up a Person as a struct to a uri that aparently needs some credentials as well.
Next you can use that Person as a crud resource:
david = => "David")
# David
# => Location:
david.find(:name => "David")
# David Heinemeier Hansson
# => (200 OK)
class ActiveResource::Base
uri ""
credentials :name =>"dhh", :password => ""
While you guys ponder this and ofcourse start to create the most agile webservices ever I’ll try to sleep on the plane. See you on the other side in a bit. I expect at least an Amazon ActiveResource waiting there for me …. (I’m particulary interesting in crudding Amazon wishlists and S3).